1·Its simplicity creates a lower barrier of entry than its big brother SOAP.
2·Now with tools such as Twitter and Facebook, there is a lower barrier to entry.
3·This lower barrier to adoption allows many previously “silent” consumers all of a sudden discover the power of their own voices.
4·Because the implementation only has to be done once, there is a much lower barrier to providing more powerful capabilities in the automated interfaces.
5·Moreover, crowding-in effects are significant in the industries with higher barrier to entry, while there are insignificant crowding-out effects in the industries with lower barrier to entry.
6·Instead of erecting a single barrier, they now set up several lower defences that reduce rust's harm.
7·Given the high food prices around the world and the need for poor people to lower their cost of food, it just does not make sense for the Doha negotiations to founder upon this barrier.
8·When tides drag the ocean over a shallow barrier such as a ridge on the ocean floor, it creates waves in the lower, denser layer of water.
9·Changes in the input voltage lower the barrier and increase current flow in transistors, just as adding an enzyme to a chemical reaction speeds it up.
10·It also could lower the cost barrier for training new pilots amid surging demand for airline pilots world-wide.